There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to the best office desk setup. Depending on your job, you may need more or less space on your desk. And different people have different preferences for how they work best.

Regardless of what type of work you do, there are some common themes found in most office desk setups. Whether you’re a freelance writer or an engineering professional, your desk is probably cluttered with pens, paper clips, and sticky notes.

Perhaps your desk has more space on it than the average person’s because you need to spread out to accommodate all the drawings or blueprints that come with your line of work. The truth is that no matter who we are and what we do for a living, our desks can tell us something about ourselves.


Different Office Desk Setups

There are many different ways to organize an office space for work. These different options can help us improve our working environment, health, and productivity. Here are some of the most common layouts in the modern business world today.


The Curved Desk layout

This is a very popular setup that utilizes every square inch in your office, giving you optimum workspace as well as a position to put your phone and other items. To really make the most of this type of desk, you may want to try adding a few decorative touches, such as potted plants or an antique lamp.

This will give the appearance that little touch of refinement. Also, remember quality over quantity when it comes to decoration, so get 3-4 items that impress and enhance the look and feel of your professional space.

Thanks to its bend, the curved desk layout is easy to get into a comfortable working position without having any awkward angles or corners that could lead to back pain and discomfort. Those who spend long hours at their desk will especially appreciate this feature.


The Corner Desk

The corner desk is a great choice for any business owner because it offers you two separate spaces to work in the same area while also looking aesthetically pleasing. This is perfect for those that like to spread out their work or have a lot of material to review as it gives you plenty of desk space as well as a storage area.

There are several things to consider when purchasing a corner desk. First, think about the size of the desk. Make sure it is big enough to comfortably fit all of your supplies. Also, be sure to measure the amount of space you have in the corner to make sure the desk will fit.

The corner desk is a great way to maximize the use of space in your office. By using the corner of the room, you can create a more efficient and organized space. There are many different styles and sizes of corner desks to choose from, so you can find the perfect one for your needs.


The U-Shape Desk

This layout is perfect for team collaboration as it encourages communication and creativity by giving team members the opportunity to face each other. This type of desk also allows for more people to be seated around the table, so if you’re looking to increase productivity in your office, then this may be the best setup for you.

It can be tricky to fit a U-Shape desk into a small office, but with a little bit of creativity, there are many ways to make it work. One of the most popular ways is to use a corner desk configuration and then replace the back end with bookshelves or filing cabinets.

When shopping for a U-shaped desk, it is important to consider the size of the room and how much space is available for the desk. Be sure to measure the length and width of the available space to ensure that the desk will fit.

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The L-Shaped Desk

This type of desk has been around for decades and continues to be one of the more popular choices among businesses. This allows your office to have multiple levels for working, providing flexibility but also reducing the distance between your work area and phone, printer, etc.

With this setup, you can easily define distinct work areas without preventing team collaboration. You can use it as a traditional desk, with one long surface and a smaller surface at the bottom. Or you can turn it on its side and use the two surfaces as separate workstations. This is a great option if you need to divide your work area into two separate spaces.

When planning where the different elements are going to go, make sure you place furniture that will complement each other appearance-wise as well as work cohesively together in order to bring balance look-wise into your office. It’s all about creating a fun work environment that keeps staff inspired and productive.


The Cluttered Desk

Ok, this is not the best idea for anyone who wants to promote themselves as a professional business person, because it’s far too common to see these types of desks at home. It usually means there are either never enough hours in the day or you simply lack any organizational skills.

This could be why your desk tends to become “lost” like this after you go on holiday. If you wish to continue working on this desk, then perhaps invest in some storage furniture such as an antique chest of drawers for files, stationery items, etc., rather than just pushing everything into piles on your desktop.

Remember that your work says a lot about how you operate, so it’s important to always maintain a tidy and professional-looking desk.



There are many different types of office desk setups that can be used in order to increase productivity. These five are some of the most common and popular today. Whichever one you choose, make sure to personalize it to your own needs and wants in order to get the best out of your workspace. Remember, it’s important to have fun with your office interior design as this can encourage creativity and team collaboration!